Goal Setting

#059 Career Close-Up: Accounting Doesn’t Have to be Boring

Show Notes EPISODE SUMMARY Forensic accounting brings some excitement to the career path of accounting. My guest, professor Jim Vogt, shares it is multidisciplinary and is about much more than just accounting. In this episode, we discuss the types of students who might enjoy learning forensic accounting skills as well as the different career paths

#059 Career Close-Up: Accounting Doesn’t Have to be Boring Read More »

#055 Scholarships: Where to Find & How to Win Them

Show Notes EPISODE SUMMARY Regardless of your family’s financial situation, the thought of paying more than necessary for college is a less-than-desirable prospect. With a variety of scholarships available to students, families of all income levels are wise to take advantage of any opportunities they can. It may feel like the odds are stacked against

#055 Scholarships: Where to Find & How to Win Them Read More »