March 2022

#11 Student Spotlight: Kate’s High School Internships Transcript

THIS IS AN AUTOMATED TRANSCRIPT…PLEASE FORGIVE THE TYPOS & GRAMMAR! xo-Lisa I’ve never really been super interested in writing as a career. I can do it, but it’s not my favorite thing. I always say, just because we can do something doesn’t mean we should do it. And that is when I encouraged her to

#11 Student Spotlight: Kate’s High School Internships Transcript Read More »

#10 Tips for Sending Student Emails that Get a Response Transcript

THIS IS AN AUTOMATED TRANSCRIPT…PLEASE FORGIVE THE TYPOS & GRAMMAR! xo-Lisa   It’s probably the most important lesson. The student should be the sender of all emails to colleges, potential employers, those for whom they want to do an internship or just do a job shadow with the student needs to be the sender. The

#10 Tips for Sending Student Emails that Get a Response Transcript Read More »

#009 How Smart Parents Find the Right School for the Right Price

“Be smarter about slaying the college planning dragon!” is financial planner, Beth Walker’s advice to smart parents who want to preserve their wealth, limit college debt, or both. She joins the podcast to speak about the critical components required to begin college planning to help your student get what they need academically, socially, and emotionally.

#009 How Smart Parents Find the Right School for the Right Price Read More »

#9 How Smart Parents Find the Right School for the Right Price Transcript

THIS IS AN AUTOMATED TRANSCRIPT…PLEASE FORGIVE THE TYPOS & GRAMMAR! xo-Lisa   Let’s go find those schools. Let’s curate a list of schools that are going to allow me to flourish in the areas that I have interests and aptitudes. And I don’t have to know specifically I’m going to be in this major, but

#9 How Smart Parents Find the Right School for the Right Price Transcript Read More »

#7 Set Your Student Up to Crush College Stress Transcript

THIS IS AN AUTOMATED TRANSCRIPT…PLEASE FORGIVE THE TYPOS & GRAMMAR! xo-Lisa   They just haven’t had the experience and being fully responsible for themselves. They’d been re to reliant on their parents. And in addition, they haven’t failed before because parents don’t want them to fail. But then when they get to college, they will

#7 Set Your Student Up to Crush College Stress Transcript Read More »